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Our panel of nine guests will discuss the Mexican American experience in NYC as well as current issues affecting the Mexican American community. Guests include: Maria Hinojosa, senior correspondent for NOW on PBS and managing editor of NPR’s Latino USA; Zarela Martinez, owner of Zarela restaurant; Angelo Cabrera, founder of CUNY’s Mexican Student Alliance; Ambassador Rubén Beltrán, Consul General of Mexico in New York; Dr. Guillermo Perez-Perez, Associate Professor of Medicine and Microbiology at the NYU Langone Medical Center; Cindy Rodriquez, WNYC reporter;

Carmen is originally from Puebla, when she first came to New York, she didn’t speak Spanish or English, she spoke only mixteco indigenous language and she didn’t have the opportunity to go to elementary school. While attending MASA, she was able to learn how to write and speak both Spanish and English. From not having a formal education in Mexico, with the support of “MASA a CASA” family mentoring support, she is currently studying for her GED in English. The family structure and costumes on Sundays has changed to be dedicated to the learning of the whole family, In a Triangulation Teaching methodology, both parents and children share a table with the mentor and focus only in education. All children are performing extraordinary in school

NIÑOS EN DESVENTAJA. En Nueva York, casi la mitad de los adolescentes inmigrantes de México no están inscritos en la escuela, lo cual representa una proporción mayor que la de cualquier otro grupo de inmigrantes. Los expertos consideran que se trata de una “tormenta perfecta de desventaja educativa”: la inmigración mexicana a Nueva York es relativamente nueva, muchos inmigrantes mexicanos son indocumentados, pocos son los programas tutoriales dirigidos a ellos, y muchos se creen el mito de que los jóvenes indocumentados no pueden ir a la universidad. ¿Quién está abordando este tremendo problema?
Invitados: Ángelo Cabrera, presidente de la Alianza de Estudiantes México-Americanos (MASA), Nueva York, NY, ; Benjamín Zapién, estudiante mexicano, Nueva York, NY; Guillermo Linares, Asambleista, New York State Assembly, Albany, NY,

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