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Despierta America, Univision channel 41

The Story of the "Angel de la Educacion" was voted by the audience as the most inspirational story for the second year, and selected at Es El Momento along with Supreme Court, Honorable Sonia Sotomayor 

Televisa: Initiativa Mexico 2011

Angelo's life story and MASA's educational program was feature on Televisa as one of the top 26th award winner of an international competition for social change in Mexico.  "El Angel de la Educacion".

American Dreamers Award: Rising Star 2012

New York City Mayor, Michael Bloomberg and Commissioner of the Mayor's Office of Immigrant Affars, Fatima Shama recognized Angelo Cabrera for his leadership promoting higher education in NYC.

Primer Impacto, Univision 41

The story of the "Angel de la Educacion" by Nayeli Chavez-Geller. He received $280 to get his GED and now helps other to her a change to go to college like himself.

Noticias al Despertar, Univision 41

A new iniciative to support families and their children in academic success in the South Bronx with Sandra O'nill. Angelo Cabrera discussion the needs of the Mexican community. 

Es el Momento. Univision 42

A new educational iniciative to support recent immigrant, Indiginious language speaking in the South Bronx with Gorge Ramos and Rosa Blanca Vilchez  at "Is the Moment"  

Noticias al Despertar, Univision 41

A new iniciative to support families and their children in academic success in the South Bronx with Sandra O'nill. Angelo Cabrera discussion the needs of the Mexican community. 

ABC Eye Witness News, Channel 7

Those behind M.A.S.A.  say their overall goal is to turn the small minority into a majority of professionals within the Mexican American community with Art McFarland.

MASA's mentoring program

A master's thesis filming proyect of MASA's educational program by Christina Hernandez.

The benefit of MASA's educational program among families in the South Bronx.  

Sonrie con las Ciensias: Tv Azteca

Students at MASA engaged in a eight weeks summer science program. The Science BioBus visit MASA in the South Bronx, reporting Mariza Cespedes, TV Azteca

The Angel of Education: El Informador T47

Angelo visited Telemundo studios to share his story of "El Angel de la Educacion" with Luis Alejandro Medina. Helping other Lation students to be able to go to college. 

Educational Crisis in NCY: TV Azteca

Educational crisis in NYC: 47% high school rate dropout within the Mexican community. The lack of academic role models and educational programs reporting Mariza Cespedes. 

Una Posible Reforma Migratoria: TV Azteca

Published on Jun 17, 2013
Silvina Sterin Pensel de TV AZTECA dialoga con inmigrantes de Nueva York sobre la posible reforma migratoria.

Desercion Escolar: Noticiero Telemundo 47

Lizz Gonzales visited MASA's art mentoring program that focuses on promoting academic attainment among children in the South Bronx. 

New Yorker of the Week: Angelo Cabrera

Mexicans children struggled in city's schools. In this week's New Yorker, Kumutha Rahamathan introduces us to one man in the Bronx who is trying to get them to college.

Mexican worked more and earned less

Mexican immigrants will become the largest Latino group in the city by 2024, but its earning power has not. Reporting Kumutha Ramanathan 

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